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Copper Cannele Mold

Copper Cannele Mold

€10.25 Tax included

Copper Cannele Mold - CHEVALIERØ 5,5cm

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Copper Cannele Mold - CHEVALIER - Ø 5,5cm


A mold for a special cake from the Bordeaux region (France), called "Cannelés Bordelais".

Copper Cannele Mold with Tin Interior.

High quality heavy copper - Lifetime warranty.

Cleaning and care: wash with soap and hot water, dry immediately - Never scrape the interior

Diam. Ø 5,5cm - Size : 5cm

Packing : 1 unit




tdcWhat is a canelé (or cannelé)?

Canelés are small typical biscuits from the French city of Bordeaux. They are baked in a special mold: cylindrical with fluted edges. The traditional molds are made of copper.

They are made with a dough based on eggs, milk, cane sugar, butter, flour and rum.

The characteristic of a perfect canelé is the strong contrast between its shiny, crunchy and caramelized (but not burnt) crust, and a soft, smooth and moist interior like a flan.

They are perfect to accompany a good coffee, better if they are still warm and crisp.


tdcHow to recognize an authentic canelé  from Bordeaux?

To deserve the title of emblem of Bordeaux gastronomy, there are necessarily canons to respect! "La Confrérie du Canelé de Bordeaux" acts as the guardian of the temple. Spelling with a single N makes it possible to distinguish those who come from the capital of Gironde.

The authentic canelé takes the form of a small ribbed cylinder, obtained from copper moulds. Its standard size is about 5 cm high. It is always flavored with vanilla and rum. This is the real Bordeaux canelé!


tdcVariations: salted cannelés

The Chefs of Bordeaux and other places have not stopped taking up the canelé format, which lends itself to all creations. There are endless recipes for salted canelés, one of the most popular is perhaps the canelé with chorizo. The cheddar and bacon cannelé is also delicious as an appetizer or as a tapas.

Specific references

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